3 aylar önce

Lack of professionalism

I had two tests scheduled one after another and the first one required no visit to the front desk. When I finished the first task, I asked the nurse if I needed to go to the front desk, to which she replied "no, you only need to wait in the waiting room" so that is what I did. After 10 minutes after my scheduled time, I thought of asking the front desk what was going on to which they replied: "you needed to come and now it is too late, you need to reschedule it". Mind you not everyone has the option of not losing work over appointments with the doctor and that is my case, so I already lost money to come and the best they can say is "sorry"? It is unacceptable that they give a wrong information and only 10 minutes later than the scheduled time is too late? I've been there other times and on some occasions they delayed more than 10 minutes so they can delay, but can do nothing about a person that was there on the waiting room, waiting for them?


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