Şirket hakkında

Amicos A/S was founded 1985 with the purpose of developing a mini computer/PC based software system for airline operators unable to use the big mainframe systems typically used by the national airlines. This development was done in cooperation with Aerospatiale and Sedap a French software house. The customer base quickly rose to more than 20 airlines world wide, and the continued development and support has retained the customer base for more than 20 years. A completely new AMICOS system was made available in May 2000, and a natural migration from the original system to the new product as well as the introduction of new customers have strengthened the AMICOS II market value.The AMICOS System is based on an interaction between the business process analysis and programming capability of Amicos A/S and the customers experience in the day to day business, and thus being a customer driven development that reflects the dynamic evolution in the airline technical sphere.

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