Şirket hakkında

The Need: • Botrytis is one of the most widespread and destructive fungal diseases of crops. Botrytis infects over 200 plant species: grapes, tomatoes, berries, cannabis, etc. Damaged yield over 40%. Botrytis can counteract a broad range of Chemical Pesticides. • Our clients in the field ask for an effective and organic solution for Botrytis Trends & opportunities: • Growing market for crops free of chemical pesticides and organic. • California Law requires NO Pesticide residues and NO Fungus Residues in Medical Cannabis Products. Our Product: • Patent, Environmentally friendly, Prevents Botrytis. • Composed of botanic ingredients with innovative formulation that forms a thin coating on leaves preventing infestation by fungi and leaf diseases. • The product is organic, effective and competitive in price • The product is simple to use - directly sprayed on the crops. • Non-toxic: suitable for all the growing and harvest season

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