Şirket hakkında

HAL Robotics is primarily solving the challenge of old, ineffective and inaccessible sensor systems for the enterprises. Leveraging the technical advancements of today, HAL Robotics has redesigned modular sensors and data-platform from ground-up. The products and solutions seamlessly interweave sensors, wireless protocols and AI-powered IoT data platform, all cohesively into easy-to-use simple deployment. The same enables enterprises to utilize smaller and radically cost-effective sensors that are extremely affordable with a pay-as-you-use model. HAL Robotics is on a mission to make every physical object a thinking machine; enabling enterprises to become #ResourceSmartTM, enhancing speed and accuracy of decision making like never before. HAL Robotics ensures seamless interaction between Hardware, Data science, API layer, Visualization layer, Alert actuators, Predictive and descriptive analytics over #multistackcomputing.

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