Şirket hakkında

Skatstube is the first web community around the cardgame Skat, which is played mainly in Germany. "Skatstube" means a cozy room, either in a bar or at home where one plays Skat with their friends. This is the idea behind Skatstube: Not only to provide online Skat game, but a comfortable homelike environment where you can meet fellow Skat players. Skatstube was founded in early 2009 by Martin Kavalar, Agnes Reissner and Franz Riedl. It is financed by its founders. In the first 6 months, more than 16.000 users have signed up to play the traditional German cardgame Skat. Playing for points as well as most of the community oriented features are free, Premium memberships and playing cash games for small stakes are planned and should be available by fall 2009.

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